The interview#

The question was from a fullstack interview. The interviewer asked:

Tell me about the basics of REST API.

Let’s be real for a moment. Here was the outline of what happened next in the interview:

  1. I tried to explain in 3-4 sentences about how most of today’s REST APIs are not actually REST APIs based on the definition of Roy Fielding. I state HATEOAS as the reason.
  2. The interviewer said I was not answering the question about the basics of REST APIs.
  3. I tried to gave him what I thought he wanted, roughly: REST API is REpresentational State Transfer, which is the guideline for an API to provide interactions with and queries for Resources.

Then he solved the question himself, stating the followings:

  • REST APIs have Status Code, like 200s, 400s, 500s.
  • They have request body, response body, the type of the request/response body i.e. JSON or image.
  • They have actions like GET, POST, UPDATE, DELETE
  • Probably some more, I don’t totally remember.

Regarding my “today’s REST APIs are not actually REST APIs” statement, he stated:

  • REST is just a guideline. People are using REST APIs just fine. Whether they implement REST fully or not doesn’t matter.
  • (About HATEOAS) It isn’t necessary to put endpoints into the response, people solve that differently, like using Swagger to discover the API’s endpoints.

That’s what happened. Now onto my thoughts after a few weeks.

Was the interviewer right?#

Just to state the obvious: I am fully aware that I am no way a senior, and up to now I wasn’t saying that I was right or he was wrong.

I don’t think “the basics of REST API” includes an overview of the HTTP specification.

There are two parts here: REST and API. Here is REST. API is, well, existed before REST happens. It is the Application Programming Interface, which is fancy for “a way to interact with something”. None of which mentions anything about response body or status code.

If the interviewer wanted to ask about how the HTTP server and the HTTP client communicates with each other, then the question is about APIs that use HTTP as the protocol, not REST or API or REST API. Quoting the original Roy Fielding dissertation:

The Representational State Transfer (REST) style is an abstraction of the architectural elements within a distributed hypermedia system. REST ignores the details of component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components, the constraints upon their interaction with other components, and their interpretation of significant data elements.

Judging from the beginning of the quote, it could be regarded as the definition of REST. So there is that.

He asked the wrong question, and that’s fine*#

I get it. He wanted to know how much I knew about “APIs” since the interview was for the fullstack position. The question was just too ambiguous.

I already know what you think: You have to say what the interviewer wants you to say. And at the heat of the moment I was aware of that, but maybe I cared too much and made an essay about REST. That’s on me.

With that said: I still stand by my opinion about the term “REST API”. Here’s another quote from Roy Fielding himself about the misconception:

I am getting frustrated by the number of people calling any HTTP-based interface a REST API. Today’s example is the SocialSite REST API. That is RPC. It screams RPC. There is so much coupling on display that it should be given an X rating.

What needs to be done to make the REST architectural style clear on the notion that hypertext is a constraint? In other words, if the engine of application state (and hence the API) is not being driven by hypertext, then it cannot be RESTful and cannot be a REST API. Period. Is there some broken manual somewhere that needs to be fixed?

–Roy Fielding, Creator of the term REST

REST APIs must be hypertext-driven

The article I found the quote on was “How Did REST Come To Mean The Opposite of REST?” by Carson Gross.

(Optional) The outcome of the interview#

Here’s what I think of the interview: The interviewer was not very nice and was frustrated about my answers (notice the plural in “answers”). He really gave me a lecture on “REST API”. Depending on my view on the topic, you may choose to discount my opinion but I think my answers to the interviewer’s questions were fair and knowledgable. He was the engineer on the team. After the interview, I don’t want to work with him not because of the questions but because of the attitude.

The company’s name? FPT Software. No bashing on the company itself though - I just happened to have this experience, and I will tell the experience. Also I went to FPT University. Just saying.

Ultimately I turned down the deal because the salary was lower than my current job.